Worried about productivity of teleworking? Just follow these 8 tips!

2020-04-29 | digital transformation  teleworking

As the coronavirus pandemic continues, more and more companies are considering telework for their employees. For businesses implementing telework on a company-wide basis for the first time, there is doubtless a good deal of anxiety. Will this experiment spiral into chaos and turn into a nightmare?


As the coronavirus pandemic continues, more and more companies are considering telework for their employees. For businesses implementing telework on a company-wide basis for the first time, there is doubtless a good deal of anxiety. Will this experiment spiral into chaos and turn into a nightmare? Or, is this the beginning of a digital transformation that will bring breakthroughs in management and productivity?

Tips for management


Companies implementing telework must first abandon antiquated command/control models of management that require supervisors to monitor employees at all times. The foundation of telework is built on trust and respect, and the belief that employees are motivated and want to contribute. Clear workflow and objectives combined with the appropriate work tools are also keys to successful management of teleworkers.

1. Clear goals and responsibilities

When employees are not physically in the office, it is vital for management to establish and communicate clear tasks, goals, and responsibilities. This allows each teleworker to organize and prioritize work on a daily/weekly basis and measure progress against deadlines and goals. Clear delegation of responsibilities also prevents overlap or finger pointing amongst teleworkers. Constant communication ensures team members are on task and develops a more collaborative work process. In addition, learning and adapting to process changes is essential.

2. Using cloud platforms to organize and collaborate

For companies who have adopted cloud services like Trello, Slack, Jira, Zoom, or Squarespace, transitioning to telework is just moving the employee's desks from the office to home. Collaboration and work continues without interruption. For companies who have not adopted cloud tools to organize and coordinate team work, this is the time to move to the cloud.

3. Schedule and organize meetings using cloud tools

All team members are encouraged to use cloud tools like Google Calendar of Outlook Calendar to more efficiently schedule and organize meetings. Having a clear meeting agenda and purpose also helps all participants prepare and prioritize meetings (when there are too many meetings).

4. Team building on the cloud

One of the biggest challenges of teleworking is the loss of social contact and camaraderie. Without such social and emotional connections, relationships become impersonal which can lead to loss of team morale. Some employers have ordered pizzas for teleworkers to share via video conference as a way to mimic a pizza lunch at the office. There are other ways to create the same team building results via shared social experiences on the cloud.

5. Maintain professional image

One of the concerns of employers is the public image projected by teleworkers. With video conferencing tools like Zoom, employees should be careful not to appear too casual when attending video meetings by wearing pajamas or exercise outfits. Teleworkers should dress as if they are in the office, and make sure their background is appropriate to share. This avoids the risk of giving colleagues or customers the wrong image about the company, and helps teleworkers get into “office mode” even when they are not in the office.

Tips for employees to self manage


Telework is built upon trust and respect between employers and employees. When an employer bestows this trust on the teleworker, the employee must reciprocate with self-management and self-motivation. Only then will this develop into a virtuous cycle of trust and collaboration. So how can teleworkers develop more self discipline?

1. Maintain a regular work schedule

Remind yourself that you need to be “at work” even when you are not “at the office.” Keep a regular schedule of going to work, taking lunch break, and getting off work. If you need help sticking to a schedule, make sure to check in with your team in the morning as though you are going to the office. Greet each other and even conduct a little social chat as if you are meeting in the office in the morning. And, say goodbye to each other when you leave work for the day. This will help you separate your work time from your personal time.

2. Establish a productive workspace

Teleworkers can get distracted by their environment. This is one reason people are more productive when they go to the office. Teleworkers should establish a devoted work area, such as a corner in the study or bedroom, where they will not be distracted or disturbed. Let people around you know that you are working and don’t wish to be distrubed. Some people may find their neighborhood library or a quiet coffee shop more productive because of a good internet connection. The key is to establish a work area and routine where you can focus on work.。

3. A good work attitude

themselves when not in the office. One way to overcome this inertia is to voluntarily write daily/weekly reports on work progress. Another is to have a real time interactive tool like a chat room that allows you to quickly interact with colleagues when you need to get or share information. All these practices will let your employer or team members know you are working and focused and build trust with them.

Seize the moment to transform


The coronavirus pandemic is a challenge for many businesses. Even for companies familiar with cloud tools like video conferencing or business chat, it takes time to adapt to broad based teleworking. For companies who have been slower to migrate to the cloud, COVID-19 may be the impetus needed to develop the soft power of digital transformation. The pandemic will pass. When it is over, some companies will emerge stronger and some will get weaker or even disappear. How will your business fare?


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