How to use Speech-to-text technology to prioritize customer calls

2019-09-04 | speech to text

evox易喂 語音轉文字

Even though fewer people are leaving voice messages, it can still take customer service or sales professionals hours to listen to and prioritize customer voicemails after a long weekend. It’s tedious and time consuming work to listen to and filter which messages require an urgent reply, which may need additional research, and which are meaningless spam.


EVOX uses the latest voice-to-text technology to convert each customer's voice message into a text file that is emailed to you. This allows you and your team to quickly and efficiently scan the text and prioritize your responses. You can:


  • Filter out and discard canned or spam messages
  • Quickly reply to simple messages such as, “please call back”
  • Save text files to more effectively manage calls and retain complex information that requires additional research or follow-up


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